Thursday, September 9, 2010

I am at a point where I NEED to do something with my talents... not optional anymore. It is so much the case that I have refused to look for a job in the service industry even though I am fucked financially.

So Broken Robot Studio and AdverMarketing Resource are going to get all my attention if I can survive long enough to see them flourish. I am confident it is possible if I can curb my bad procrastination habit.

Broken Robot Studio represents the projects that are fun for me anything related to art that I am passionate about, ie. my own projects and those projects I am enthusiastic about from others.

AdverMarketing Resource is the vehicle by which I hope to help small businesses market themselves and advertise. It is much less colorful a business but more practical I think for helping small businesses be successful.

Step one is finishing my websites...

Add me as a friend on Facebook if you have not already... broken robot studio of course...

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